Treasury Information Management System (TIMS)


Treasury Information Management System (TIMS)

Description and main functions of the system:

Treasury Information Management System (TIMS) is highly integrated, user-friendly system, possessing high-level reliability, flexibility and wide functionality, meeting all requirements of support of the main business processes of the Treasury regarding budget performance. The main purpose of the country-wide system developed by SINAM is to ensure transparency in budget performance as well as to automate the functions of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance.

Main characteristics of the system:

  • Centralized system with web interface;
  • Expanded setup of parameters: reference data, processes, system performance parameters;
  • Expanded audit: logging user actions;
  • Integrated analytical reporting system;
  • Support of multilingualism 

Modules of the system:

1. Budget registration and performance

This module is intended for registration of the budgetary data necessary for conducting further procedures on budget performance in the system and support of its actual condition. It provides delivery of the budgetary data to treasury bodies and other participants of the budgetary process. The budgetary data include budget and limits of budgetary obligations.

2. Cash management

This module ensures formation of cash plans, definition of cash limits and their delivery to the budgetary organizations, control and execution of cash plans.

3. Management of obligations

This module ensures control of the budgetary obligations on compliance to allocated limits, registration of the budgetary obligations in the system, including control and registration of demands for cash expense for execution of these obligations according to the financing priority principle.

4. Management of payments

This module is intended for interaction with the banking system on preparation, transfer, receiving and processing of payment documents. It ensures transfer of means between accounts of treasury bodies, delivery of means to recipients, and processing of the bank statements.

5. Management of receipts

This module ensures registration of all receipts, classification of means and their addition to the income of corresponding budgets by interbudgetary regulation, registration of tax privileges, delays, payments by installments, etc., processing of obscure receipts, returns (offsets) of overpayments.

6. Maintaining General Ledger of Treasuries

This module is intended for registration of operations conducted by treasury bodies within budget performance on accounts of the Ledger. The ledger is maintained in the Central Committee on the basis of initial documents. Execution of necessary procedures for closing financial period and formation of necessary accounting reports is ensured on the basis of the operations reflected in the Ledger.

7. Reporting system 

This module ensures formation of all necessary regulated and independent (on demand) reports on execution of the State Budget.

8.Management of directories

This module ensures maintaining of the standard reference information system necessary for implementation by treasury bodies at all levels of operations within budget performance and support of this system’s actual state at all levels.

9. System Administration

This module ensures functioning of whole system: management of system settings, directories, users and rights.

10. Integration with the 3rd departments.

This module ensures tools for interaction with the 3rd departments on receiving and providing information.

11 Budget formation  

This module is intended for ensuring budget formation. It allows involving financial body, main manager of budgetary funds and budgetary organizations. Each of participants of the budgetary process has its own role at the stage of budget formation.

The system ensures necessary level of control when conducting operations in the system according to the authorities of treasury bodies, integrity of data; comprehensive, exact and timely information during execution of the budget.

12. Integration with ERP system

This module ensures the integration of TIMS with information systems of budget execution accounting in state enterprise/organization (for example, ERP). Using this module TIMS user gets additional access to treasury documents created by enterprise resource planning system (for example, SINAM ERP). Such documents may include: contracts; long-term liabilities documents; current liabilities on advance payments; documents-orders on advance payments; current liabilities documents; public purchases documents; documents on orders for cash expenditures; certificates on opening of cash limit; verification acts, etc. It enables to carry out online audit by Treasury on the execution of budget of a specific budget enterprise / institution. 

Potential clients:

  • Ministries of Finance
  • Central Treasuries

Potential markets for introduction:

  • Eastern Europe
  • CIS
  • Central Asia
  • Middle East
  • Afghanistan
  • Africa